Captain Tom 100 - Be Part of it
An amazing nation wide fundraising initiative has been created to honor the amazing Captain Tom.
On 6 April 2020, Captain Tom Moore set out round his garden to thank our NHS heroes. One hundred laps later, he’d raised an incredible £38.9 million for the NHS Covid-19 appeal His simple message of hope – “Tomorrow will be a good day” – inspired millions around the world and brought comfort and joy to so many during the pandemic.
Now it’s your turn to build on that legacy. Friday 30 April would have been his 101st birthday and to honour him and his amazing achievements, The Captain Tom Foundation would love everyone, of all ages and abilities, to take part in the Captain Tom 100.
Everyone is invited to take on a challenge around the number 100 anytime and anywhere over Captain Tom’s birthday weekend. It’s so simple. Think up your 100 challenge. It can be anything you like – from walking 100 metres to scoring 100 goals. Hopping 100 times or baking 100 cookies. Attempting 100 bounces on the trampoline or 100 written notes of positivity.
Take on your 100 any time between Friday 30 April and Monday 3 May. Set up your fundraising page via the link below and share your amazing challenge with all your friends and family.