Join Our Patron Family!
Our Patrons form an extraordinary family of organisations and individuals dedicated to transforming the lives of families with children facing health challenges at home. They drive significant change for families dealing with the toughest situations — a very ill child. Join our Patron family and help make a lasting impact.
gold lion
Everything in Silver Plus:
- Logo on business presentations
- Logo on email signatures
- Logo in Newsletter
- Included Sponsorship of patron events
£6,000 PER ANNUM
£500 per month
silver zebra
Everything in Bronze Plus:
- Blog post on website about you and your business
- Spotlight Newsletter (email/interview)
- Exclusive invites to successful local networking groups
£3,000 PER ANNUM
£250 per month
bronze monkey
£1,200 PER ANNUM
£100 per month
gold lion
Everything in Silver Plus:
- Logo on business presentations
- Logo on email signatures
- Logo in Newsletter
- Included Sponsorship of patron events
£6,000 PER ANNUM £500 per month
silver zebra
Everything in Bronze Plus:
- Blog post on website about you and your business
- Spotlight Newsletter (Email/Interview)
- Exclusive Invites To Successful Local Networking Groups
£3,000 PER ANNUM £250 per month
bronze monkey
£1,200 PER ANNUM £100 per month
become a patron for lagans foundation
Our gold lion patrons
become a patron for lagans foundation
Our Supporters
Funds raised will help support the overall running of the charity and directly impact the family's quality of life. Unfortunately, charities have the same level of overheads as any other organisation and while every effort is made to keep these to a minimum, we still need to run an office and employ and train amazing staff. Funds will also help us deliver community support projects and enhance the services we can offer to families.
Our mission is to bridge the gap between hospital and home, guiding families through the challenging transition with compassion and expertise. We are dedicated to delivering high-quality support, empowering parents to navigate the complexities of caring for their children at home, and fostering resilience in the face of adversity.