For Children at High Risk of Cardiac Arrest
Sadly, there are families across the UK who have children who need a permanent defibrillator at home to keep their child safe.
This could be for many reasons including inherited heart conditions that put the child at high risk of sudden cardiac risk.
We can help you secure your own defibrillator
Often these families are unable to leave hospital without one of these devices when the best place for them is to be at home with their families.
Unfortunately, as an expensive lifesaving piece of equipment these are not available via the NHS.
There are 2 defibrillator loans agreements available from Lagan’s Foundation to families who have children with a life-threatening heart condition’s where they need a portable defibrillator.
- Short-Term Loan – allows families to borrow a defibrillator for a weekend, 7 days or 21 days. This could be for a school trip, birthday, or a family holiday. The family are required to fundraise or donate £100, to cover the cost of new pads for the defibrillator.
- Long-Term Loan – allows families to fundraise a min of £2000 for a brand-new defibrillator whilst loaning a temporary one from the charity for up to 3 months. Our team will work alongside the family to provide fundraising packs and support to help them reach the target and receive their brand new defibrillator.
Families can raise these funds any way they wish throughout the 3 months, they need the support of their friends, family and community around them to reach their fundraising goal.
After 3 months of fundraising we can secure the family their own personal defibrillator which is theirs to keep.
Donate To Help Us Continue Our Work
Here is how the project works
Families will be tasked with raising a minimum of £2,000 during the 3 month loan to secure their own personal defibrillator.
This can be raised in many ways, you could ask for direct donations from your contacts as well as holding your own fundraising events such as quizzes, raffles, sponsored runs etc.
We recommend using CAF for your fundraising, it’s extremely easy to set up and share, it even automatically collects Gift Aid for you and updates us on your progress.
If you require a defibrillator for your child please ask your hospital/consultant to complete our referral form below.
Unfortunately, due to the limited stock we have available to loan and the nature of these devices a request for assistance must come from your medical professional.
The form will only take a few moments to complete and will allow us to get more detail on your situation.
Once this has been received we will be in touch with you to chat through the process and hopefully support you and your child.